Do What You Will

by Scott Hermes

PHIL. (Comes out and sets a timer) For the next two minutes and thirty seconds, you are free to do as you please. You may get up and move about freely. You may come down and talk to the actors. You may leave the room. You may listen to what I am saying. You may talk to your neighbor and not share it with anyone. You may write below this line.

HEATHER. For the next two minutes and fifteen seconds, you are bound by codes of conduct as old as society itself. You may not get naked. You may not commit incest. You may not pass GO without collecting $200. You may not be able to re-enter the theater without having to pay admission.

GREG K. For the next 2 minutes, we, the actors, are locked into a pre-ordained pattern of behavior. We may not deviate from the script. We may not leave the room. We may not finish our (leaves the room.)

AYUN. For the next 1 minute and 45 seconds, you will do more or less what you have done all your life. Some of you will act without thinking. Some of you will wait until you have figured out what this play is about before taking any action, lest you be thought the fool. Some of you will watch others, to take your cue from them. Some of you will be waiting for me to describe the feelings that you are experiencing right now in the misguided hope that you are really not the only one who could think such thoughts.

SCOTT. For the next 1 minute, you will seize the opportunity to surprise yourself. You will act in a way contrary to your own expectations. You will discover a sense of freedom that will stay with you for the rest of your life.

GREG K. (from state park) The play has moved into this room. All of you people who stayed in that room are missing the play. Here is where the true meaning lies. All that is in that room are lies and deceptions.

HEATHER. (Closing door) The play is in here. (Greg continues, improvising about free will, and walking around to the other side of the theater.) Plays have always taken place on stages surrounded by audiences. In this manner individual experience is transcended and a catharsis is reached. To watch such things alone is no more than voyeurism, and punishable to the full extent of the law.

PHIL. For the next 45 seconds, you may do what you want.

AYUN. You cannot do what you want without doing what we want. Our wills are joined. You may not make a decision now that has not received our tacit approval, even if that decision is not to decide anything at all.

GREG K. (Offstage left) Here is where the play is. Here is where the play is. Plenty of significance and signifiers over here.

SCOTT. For the next 15 seconds -

PHIL. You may -

HEATHER. You may not -

AYUN. Whatever you think is okay with me.

GREG K. The play is over.

SCOTT. For the next -

PHIL. You may -

HEATHER. or may not -

AYUN. - do

GREG K. This play stopped a long time ago.

SCOTT. For the next time in your life when someone says, "What do you want to do?" or "Would you rather stay in or go out?" and you reply, "Whatever you want to do is fine by me."

(If and when the timer goes off or finishes, Phil will say: "The time to do what you will has passed. Please return to your seats. Process information passively without regard to its validity. Accept all judgments as your own.")